Available daily or monthly, this useful report will inform you if your fuel supplier is following underlying pricing movements.
Our independently calculated IPIP gives you the advantage.
Fueltrac’s IPIP Reporting Service gives large fuel users some significant benefits. Our calculation gives you an impartial comparison of your fuel supplier’s contracted price. Available daily or monthly, this useful report will inform you if your fuel supplier is following underlying pricing movements.
Our calculations take international pricing variables into account, including sea freight, wharfage, insurance and USD/AUD exchange rate, and are based on movements in refined product prices ex Singapore. Emailed reports include pricing trend graphs that help you manage your stock levels and fuel purchasing to take advantage of upward or downward movements.
Fueltrac’s IPIP Reports:
- Are available as forecast or historical data
- Clearly show if your fuel supplier is following actual pricing trends
- Include graphic representation of daily movements
- Are emailed to subscribers on a daily or monthly basis